Technology Lab

The dialogue with professional users has enabled us to develop products with high technological content, guaranteeing security, reliability and high performance.

Stand-by energy saving

On 9 May 2025, a new European regulation will enter into force “which lays down eco-design requirements for off mode, standby mode, and networked standby energy consumption of electrical and electronic household and office equipment in accordance with Regulation 2023/826 of the European Parliament and the Council”.

ESA+ technology

This system enables the automation to save energy, reducing consumption when the motor is on standby mode.

Electronic switched-mode power supplies

The use of electronic switched-mode power supply systems in place of traditional linear power supplies (e.g. transformers) allows to obtain an energetic saving due to the increased efficiency and to the lower power hear dissipation when the automation is in standby.

ESA System - È l’innovativo sistema che consente di ridurre l’assorbimento del motore nelle fasi di inattività, è una tecnologia Benincà

eePROM memory

Our control units are equipped with a removable eePROM memory. This allows the stored transmitters to be quickly and easily stored and transferred to the new automation system when the control unit is replaced.

La tecnologia brushless, caratterizzata dall’assenza di spazzole nel motore elettrico, garantisce massime prestazioni, affidabilità, fluidità nel movimento oltre che una vita utile dell’attuatore molto elevata.


The brushless technology ensures maximum performance, reliability, and smooth movement while extending the actuator’s life. This type of motor is ideal for industrial settings or wherever a high number of manoeuvres is requested.

La codifica ARC (Advanced Rolling Code) presente nei trasmettitori a 128 bit garantisce la massima sicurezza anti-clonazione


ARC coding in transmitters ensures maximum anti-cloning protection due to the length of the transmitted code (128-bit, rather than 64-bit), making our gates even more secure.

La gamma delle nostre automazioni offre diverse tipologie di encoder


Our range of automated devices includes a variety of encoders. All types guarantee maximum precision during manoeuvring and maximum anti-crushing safety.

massime prestazioni in particolare nelle installazioni dove è richiesto un elevato livello di tecnologia


It ensures maximum performance, particularly in installations requiring high technology and all industrial applications. This system accurately adjusts the gate movement, ensuring maximum anti-crushing safety due to the possibility of varying the acceleration and deceleration phases, increasing the product’s life.

I motori appartenenti alla linea Turbo coniugano velocità e sicurezza in un unico prodotto per aprire e chiudere il cancello o il portone in tutta velocità


Turbo motors combine speed and safety in one product to open and close the gate or front door at full speed. This solution ensures the following advantages: energy saving, opening speed, and reduced waiting and manoeuvring times.

Il protocollo KNX appresenta uno standard mondiale aperto, che consente la gestione automatizzata e decentralizzata degli impianti tecnologici di un’ampia tipologia di strutture, edifici commerciali, industrie, scuole e altre ancora.


The KNX protocol is one of the world’s open standards. It allows automated and decentralised management of technological systems in a broad range of structures: commercial buildings, industries, schools and others. Making automated devices compatible with this protocol means opting for evolved construction, attentive to eco-sustainable development that focuses on people and comfort as added value.

BeUP è la nuova applicazione dedicata ai professionisti, che usata assieme all’interfaccia PRO.UP, permette la programmazione delle centrali da remoto in modo semplice e veloce


BeUP is the new application for professionals. If combined with PRO.UP, it allows you to programme control panels remotely in a simple and fast way. Moreover, you can save the installations made for a specific system, consulting the details, such as the firmware version or the maintenance operations completed.

BeMOVE è l'app dedicata al consumatore finale, Grazie al gateway HOOP e le ricetrasmittenti bidirezionali g.MOVE si possono gestire e conoscere lo stato delle automazioni.


BeMove is an App that allows end-users to connect all automations, lights or the garden irrigation system in a fuss-free way. Users can control them through access time slots or GPS positions. Thanks to the HOOP gateway and g.Move bidirectional transceivers, users can know and manage the automation status.

Nasce il ricevitore che consente di trasformare in “master” fino a 3 radiocomandi già presenti nella memoria


The transmitter that transforms up to 3 radio controls in “master” falls within the ARC project. Therefore, transmitters become fully-fledged “keys” that are required for the storage of new transmitters in a specific system.

IRIDE - 4 oggetti per rendere riconoscibile ed esclusivo il proprio impianto, trasmettitore, lampeggiante, tastiera e cover anti vandalo per fotocellula

IRIDE range

When design, minimalism, and performance merge, the result is IRIDE, the new range of accessories that meet any aesthetic and functional need. Four objects to make your system, transmitter, flashing light, keyboard, and vandal-proof cover for photocell stand out from the crowd.

SMART consente di posizionare il comando delle proprie automazioni in modo semplice e veloce e senza eseguire costose opere murarie.


Installing one button in your home has never been so easy. SMART allows you to position the automation control easily without making expensive masonry works.